Rearrange Home Page to Clearly Show Shared With Items
Home page should show "shared with you", "owned by you", "frequently opened", "favourited" and/or pinned sheets/documents. The current "suggested for you&…3 · -
Re: Editable Font Size and Colour for Data Labels on Charts
When working in dashboards it would be useful to format the text of the series label in a chart - adjusting size, font and colour to best show the clear information needed2 · -
Group widgets in dashboards
When moving widgets around in a dashboard it is increadibly difficult to move the order and placement of widgets. While you can select multiple widgets to move them, you can't group them so that they…7 · -
Activity Log: Include when a sheet has been emailed
It would be very useful to see who the sheet has been shared to and when. Also it would be good to see when the sheet has been emailed to a Smartsheet user and when.3 · -
Re: Group Columns in Grid
It would be very useful to be able to group columns so that we can hide groups of columns rather than hide selection but only unhide all. Each year my organisation needs to add another 8 columns to a…5 ·